Got an idea, thanks to clef!

Complete, don’t respond

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You could make a guide on how to make driven vehicles

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That would DEFINITELY help me

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I honestly don’t know if this is possible currently, sorry. @tspentakota

Yes it is, you’d just have to use lots of animation.

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Its alr @ruroreggie , thanks tho

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maybe a guide on how to make a map you’ve made?

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You could make some sort of farm thing where there is a x% chance to get crows. Then, you can teach how to make a system where it checks if you have a scarecrow built then would “scare” away the crows

Idk, just off the top of my head

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Oh, interesting… I would personally have to figure that out.

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honestly, that sounds pretty easy with a property…


Yeah I think so too. But it could be a cool guide :person_shrugging:

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oh yay! I can’t wait to see what map you’re gonna make it on!

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You cant put ending character such as . , ? !. It wont hide it. Oh wait you did it.

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Yeah, I figured that out

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