[ 📋 ] Good 3D Terrain Combos



that makes 8 people


and now, you. All within a 3 week period. Just… wow… man. Cya then. I will miss you, You were a great new user, creative, with great ideas. I wish you the best of luck in life. We’re just random people on the internet.

Man… Cya. Goodbye. o7 :sob: :saluting_face:


I’ll be back when the farming season comes to an end (and you wonder why I joined in november)


I’ll be back once I get better grades (hopefully) :DDDDD

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Also GimSolver.
And so many more.

Oh yeah, whereismyhat sent a request to the mods to be silenced

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honestly, i dont blame ya
forums got really bitter over thumbnails and fruit guides
Im starting to dislike the forums if I’m being totally honest with you

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reusable bump.

<if you’re here, hello you have found me>

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You need regular to make reusable bumps, I think

Actually reusable bump:

@sirwywy I do have regular, just forgot to make it a wiki lol


what is a considered a wiki
sorry if I am necroposting

you just cancelled the reusable bump :skull:
and a wiki is a post that other people can edit. only regulars (like me) can make wikis.

ok how to achive regular

see this post

i think i met those requirments?

Also, regulars have to be very active and highly helpful members of the community.
…no offense but decidedly not you

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And it would be insulting if someone as new as you got regular to all of us who actively tried to help everyone.

i get it ok … how am i not helpfull

You’ve made no guides whatsoever, and like 15 help posts.
You’ve only solved 1 thing that wasn’t your own post.

is that a bad thing having help? also I helped many

if you want to be a regular, you should have at least made minimum 5 actually helpful and useful guides.
also, you have to have been on the forums for a lot longer than you have been.

I’ve looked through your activity and it proves otherwise.

Point is, you won’t be getting regular anytime soon if you stay along the same level of activity and quality of posts. If you start making original guides on mechanics, offering more solutions to people in Help , and become way more active (resulting in more likes and read time and days visited), by the time you go higher than 90 days you may have a chance.

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