Gonna be working on a gim map, its Murder Mystery and the setting is a castle, any suggestions for the rooms?

Maybe maze with many twists and turns so that the murderer gets lost and has trouble finding the players. (in the castle)

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A hidden path leading to a catacomb.

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put an altar down there for good measure


Welcome to the community or the whole website.

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Are you talking about me?


Welcome to the forums, @Dodge1! Make sure you look at the new-user-must-read and forum-beginners tags. And this post:

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Ok, thanks! I’m actually on the wix and was having trouble with getting an account on here.

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a throne room, or dungeon

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ohh good idea, me and my friends will start designing the room tomorrow

A room with a poet in a dark room, my friends know what follows when I recommend poetry… Ask for the answer.

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good point with the map cartography room, I wouldn’t have even thought of that

I’ve already had an idea with a library maze, maybe I can find a way to include your idea

Bedrooms will be a nice touch

maybe, if I can find a way to get the sentrys to stop attacking me, they can be background characters in the courtyard

I already had an idea like that to be in the library, good suggestion nontheless

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“An innocent party
A dark intention
A joyful day
But one will not breathe
One will die
And no one will know who or why
One person has
Blood on his hands
And one person will be
Lost in the sands.”-The Insomniac. There, the poet will say that. Also there is a guide on how to make talking sentries.

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ohhhh, maybe only the murderder can enter the catacomb

I make poetry for maps. Credit me when you are done with the map.

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thats a good idea, Ill see if I can do that

I am deff gonna do that