Go to bk at one am thumbnail needed

so the game already published but I need a new thumbnail for it

use this format when doing thumbnails

  1. Name of Game
  2. Summary of Game
  3. Setting
  4. What gims you want to be used
  5. What the gims are doing/character actions
  6. Author of Game
:face_exhaling: (why cant people use the format before making the thumbnail request?)

1.go to bk at 1 am
2.its a get a snack at 3 am style game
3.a house or bk burger king
4.any whatever you think looks good generic and maybe a vortex agent will be ok
5.ordering bk or whatever

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what do you mean by BK?

It means burger king it was in my previous post it was blurred

oh ok (sorry didnt see that)

but was that enough info for you about the thumbnail

yes, ill try to do it tomorrow

thanks a bunch for your help

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your welcome (also im not the best artist)

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youuu canttt calll it a burgerrr king!


that’s why I said bk ok

oh and I’m not stealing bk material there’s not even a mention of a whopper ok

how s the thumbnail going

ive been busy but it will be dont this week

ok got it
thank a lot

if its not done this week then i have forgot and you will need to remind me

ill try to finish it tomorrow

be done by maybe monday

Quick tip:
“Get a ___ at _am” games are very looked down upon, and some artists often refuse to do thumbnails for those games. If not a lot of people decide to do this, that’s prolly why. No offense ig