Gimong Us Help with ideas

I am currently working on a among us map and I need some roles and task ideas pls!

Wait, did you see @Idhant_Master03’s help topic?

Yes but I couldn’t find anything @Kormorant

Among Us Tasks Ideas

@Kormorant beat me to it!

@Beagles I just asked that lol

So do you guys have any roles?

@ShadowGim I have a post already for that. It was titled ‘Among Us Task Ideas.’ A bunch of people commented task ideas. For roles, you could have engineers, scientists, noisemakers (using waypoints), and phantoms (using invisabits?)

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How about crewmate and imposter? So original!

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Invisabits are currently not available in GKC.


@Idhant_Master03 did you not see my reply?

@Kormorant Dang it! Thanks for the info, though.


@ShadowGim nope… :neutral_face: If I did, I don’t remember…

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Sorry if that was being mean

Let’s all try to be friendly!

Also, @chunky is always this weird!


Off topic is delicious
Guys get back on topic.


  • Medic
  • Captain
  • Cleaner
  • Mechanic


  • Clean trash
  • Throw waste into space (it rhymes yay)
  • Fix the engine
  • Give captain a coffee
  • Send a message to earth

I coming up with more

(I promise I don’t act this weird usually)


Thanks @chunky! I will try to add that.

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  • Contact Gim land? Is that good?

Ok guys I gotta go see you in the morning!


anyways… umm, try these:
-clear room (defeat a room of sentries)
-react (3 barriers on the floor, and they light up* randomly, and the player must step on the right ones)
-wait wha- (3 item images flash quickly, and the player must determine the order)

Task Ideas

*Personal ideas, made myself

  • Running to a waypoint
  • Crafting table stuff
  • Moving furniture (possible by using repeaters)
  • Using camera point to check cams in security
  • Collecting a certain amount of an item spawned across the map (such as berry fish, I dunno)
Role ideas

*Also personal ideas, made myself

  • Noisemaker (use a waypoint to show where a de@d body is)
  • Jester (wins if voted out)
  • Mayor (cast two votes)
  • Seer (no idea how this is possible, also very OP, but your choice)

Try whatever you’d like!