Gimkit Creative Cliff Notes

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Ah no, I didn’t mean to publish it, I wasn’t; done.
sigh, go ahead and flag me…

You have copied, in entirety, multiple preexisting guides. Search before you post.


oh, my bad.
I didn’t realize that…
i’m sorry
could you still read it?
I worked hard on it.

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I think you’re on the right track. You should put more time into seeing if these guides exist, and creating the guide itself.

The main issue is originality, since you basically took a part in someone else’s guide and posted it here. Try to create your own guides from scratch.


This for one already has at least one guide on this topic. 2 this is pretty basic.(although I still see people who have no idea what layers is)

I see you have had problems with copying other guides. maybe make an art guide? There are less of those. Here’s an idea: How To Make A Medieval Castle


There’s at least one guide and numerous help topics on that already

[If you do want to make a castle, I would do it like wolftech made a pyramid]

oh. sorry. I searched, but I guess I didn’t see them. But he gets my point. I Hope

imo only make guides that there is truly nothing on or near

like getrithekd does

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For the average person, that isn’t very easy a year into GKC.


how do you not realize that you’re copy and pasting guides
that’s the most stupidest excuse i have ever heard

[@CassiusDoomlorde i don’t really care enough anymore, i’m really tired and having a bad day]

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i know

i’m fine if there’s less guides

[fersion that’s a bit harsh but yeah laziness and plagiarism is a big issue around here nowadays :\ {relatable!}]