Thanks for your help! Just a teacher looking to help my students.
hello there!
as you can tell my name is blackfox
but call me fox for short
so generally 4rth to 8th grade students
want something fun right?
but we still want them to learn something so what I’m thinking here
is class projects to engage in teamwork and activity
now because of the limits on players in a single game you may have to pay for a subscription
for a good bit of students to join maybe host a second tab for them to compete against each other in a map building contest if you need a mass subscription email
and maybe encourage some interesting concepts for them to try and figure out for a challenge
but keep in mind if your students plan to use this forum
they must be 13 or above it’s an unspoken rule here I think
forgive me for the grammarless paragraph but have a good day! meow! :3
Teach them to make a game and stick with it! I’ve seen many unfinished maps…
Teach them to make better names. “Skibidi Sigma Male Only Up” will not cut it, mainly because many people look for quality games, and the game depends on the name.
In general, teach them to make quality games. Gimkit is being flooded with low-quality games, and it really annoys some people.
Teach them using the guides we have made here! Some good ones:
or just look into the Community Made Guides category. Don’t mind the “call this number” or advertising topics; sometimes this place is cluttered with scam bots from India.
hello maybe I can help I am a ninth grader who has been thinking about ramdon stuff my idea for you is have a daily game that can teach history incorporate it in your stuff as a free learning experiment to get started Start with a easy game like snow brawl but add a challenge you can make it a club by using Gmail to spread the word with the students have it based easy but remember this if you doing the tutorial have them all there this is ofcourse a Gimkit Creative thing and you can teach them a little about making their own games the easiest thing to do for your club is guide everyone on the basics and for fun add compeption so at the end of the year you see who makes the best map and maybe have like chick-fil-a give cards to the top three as a ninth grader with friends of many online students me and my friends all wrote into this I hope our friendly advice can help further you’re goals as for me if you want more info you should contact me through Gmail just type in Cvefy you should be able to find it
try to teach them that complexity isn’t always a bad thing, introducing them to a trigger loop will help with that mindset, then try to make them build a big game using all the information they learned, that be a top-down or platformer map. (I wish there was a Gimkit club in my school, best I have is coding Club lol)
Is this about Gimkit Creative sir?
Or specifically Gimkit as a whole?
@lbacon (Ping to get his attention)
should I flag him or no
No no he is just trying to help just like I tried to do for you
when did you help me please fill me in
lets get on topic please
personally I wouldn’t, mainly because they didn’t know it wasn’t allowed, and the last person who accidently did got a major punishment (which was a bit overkill)
I allow this topic.
Now get back to providing help/suggestions for OP.
I think he might be out of replies, he’s a new user
Can you guys not flood them with forum tips, just help them and they’ll probably be gone. They probably don’t care about the forums, just give them the answer instead of forum mechanics.
Hot-Doug were built to give them forum mechanics and tips thats our job. even if he does not come back
@Gimkitsuggestor please us @ when your referring to someone it just makes it a better chance for them to see it
not necessary unless
you need them you don’t need to ping someone each time you say their name lol
like if you say oh hey I think
[name] made that
or just something along those lines that dosent really require attention from them
taking that in mind some peeps get annoyed by pointless pings for example I got pinged like 5 times in a single day once and it was during a shower ;~; so please be considerate
I turned off notifications on my phone here for a reason
so yeah I don’t think we need to ping someone each time we refer to them
(yeah this was a bit personal
getting 5 pings in row with an annoying notification sound that I cant change gets agonizing it’s like steel plates screeching past each other right in my ear ._.)