Gimkit Awards: Final Vote

is it just don’t discuss who you voted on forums? or at all?
like can i do i on docs and canva?
or my bio?
ALso YESS i heard it was going to be after next week so i would miss it! but i was able to vote!
Thanks @Blackhole927 and @Unstable for doing this!

Oh yeah my vote is in! Geez, you kinda overdid yourselves with this Gimkit Awards ngl. I like it!

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Yeah, it was hard. I’m gonna try to get to the gimkit awards next year if there is one.


It’s finally here… How long did counting the votes take?


wow…i’m surprised…only 27 replies? i would expect 100 by now lol its been up for 7 hours!
yeah it is early…prepare for mass notifications since you made it unstable…does some math (hears typing) according to my calculations…if you walk away from computer and come back an hour later it will have 352 new reples. (watch me somehow be right lol)

To be cair, it’s early in the morning. Give it a few hours, that’ll probably change.


It only took us one day, we just decided that spacing them out more would’ve been for the best.


Oh ok, thanks! Mr. @unstable, are people that got nominated not allowed to vote?

I really like how the Google Forms was made.
It was clear, with pictures.
It had links if you wanted to check out some art or games.
I honestly loved the setup as well.

Can’t confirm or deny…

Oh, who am I kidding, no, no, this went wonderfully! I can almost guarantee that this will happen again next year.


Can this year’s winner be nominated next year as well?

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I haven’t put that much thought into it yet. Kinda was a ‘spur of the moment’ kinda statement there lol.


i have a question though…why was it mostly the same games for the form? was there not a lot nominated?

wait you didn’t welcome foxes… :pensive:
just kidding.(ik you said and all other folks)…
also i’m new to forums…i missed 99% of awards…why am i so excited lol!

We had over 150 responses, that wasn’t the problem. The reason why there are few options is that we only counted nominees that got nominated more then once.

I’ll direct you to this quote.

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okay…but over 150? :open_mouth:geez you deserve a gimkit award just for counting votes…

Nope, you can vote. You could vote for yourself, if you wanted to, but I’d prefer that you didn’t.


wait…isn’t it gimkit anniversary or birthday? with new update? or am i wrong?

It is both Gimkit Creative’s first birthday and anniversary I believe.

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the forums is too quiet or is it just me?
all ive ever seen is a slew of topics never-stopping.