Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

I already said it. Just look at where it says

Gotta go now. Bye!

Yeah sorry, i was busy i did create ora

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K thanks. Thatā€™ll be in your bio. Bye!

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@CassiusDoomlorde, I have a quick question for my game. If you were to use one color and one emoji to describe the game-sharing Wixsite, which would they be?

You might have to wait a while for a response, as I think they left the forums.

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Forever or just for the weekend?

Not forever, but for a while. Maybe a week? IDK

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Ok. What do u think is the correct answer?

Considering theyā€™re a moderator: Probably :sunglasses: and :blue_square:

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Ok, thanks.

Also, nice new pfp! Did u make it yourself?

One: you forgot the Helpian era. Two, itā€™s 5 underscores. You did pretty great otherwise!

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Iā€™m still here; I just only respond to pings. Solving questions got too tiring, and I found more interesting things to do.

Iā€™ll have to think about the emoji for a while.


OK, thanks. Just ping me once you think of an emoji and color that represent the game-sharing Wixsite. Anything but orange, plz.

BTW, whatever you say will be in my Legacies of Gimkit game.


Also shdwy would never write so much about the forums (only about random mechanics).

For @Gimkit101 eyes only

i bet youā€™re not gimkit 101 but who cares

anyway can you update it with my current bio?


@wingwave, what do you mean Iā€™m not Gimkit101? How can I not be myself?

Give me 1 sec to read your new bio. What didnā€™t u like about it? Just the quote?

naw, I edited it and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s completely the same cause i forgot already -_-

also thatā€™s for other people that i know will check it

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So you want me to use this quote?:

Hey! Call me Wavy if you want, I donā€™t care (unlike some other people). Iā€™m a retired veteran of the old forums that types at over 160 WPM, back when it was in the dark ages. Now that itā€™s flying without the need for the OGs (good or not), weā€™re not sure what to do. Iā€™ll be here, from time to time, but Iā€™ll be more active on Discord (Catalyst member) and, who knows, maybe Iā€™ll hop onto the Wixsite, and maybe even host a Game Night. So now, basically, Iā€™m meh active.

Also, what do you mean that Iā€™m not @Gimkit101?!?!

I think they did that because they knew others would check out of curiosity


51 new post on here, and 27 notifs, sheesh.

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