Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

OK. I’ll go with space station. Thanks for the help! I just hope that the quote wasn’t too large to fit in the popup.

Name a color of the rainbow, please, @Little.

i can always shorten it if u need to
thanks for including me in your game xx

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is there a way I can help with the game?
I enjoy map building and coding
I can use padlet blog is blocked though

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Do u have a Padlet? I need some feedback.

Can u send me a link? I’m kinda scared for feedback, but thanks!

I have an account yeah

expect a long list of criticism

@Little, how’s this? It was all I could fit.

For @Little's eyes only...

Oh lol little is back

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thanks for putting me in!!

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Oh. So you have returned!


Oh, could I try to guess who that is?

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I’m looking at bios and I can’t find it… :sweat_smile:

You’ll never find it LOL. Not all quotes are from GKC forum bios.

Mwahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahah… cough… I’m out of breath.

Shdwy? Wingwave? kyro? idk…

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For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
For GimSolver's eyes only...
You'd better be GimSolver...

It’s Wingwave. Please don’t spill the beans. :beans:

Hey! I got it. :muscle:
You realize if you do that, more people are going to look?

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Good point.

can i guess

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