Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

My Gimkit Anniversary Surprise / Timeline / Memorial game may or may not include a library with a short story (written by me) you can read. Firstly, should I do this?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Secondly, what short story should I write (Gimkit lore-based)?

Also, what does everyone think about my new pfp? It was made by @NavyCatZ, but I tweaked it a little.

There is no guarantee I’ll do this - I just want to see what the community thinks, and if I were to do it, I want to know what I should write the story about.


The wip tag is usually only for guides


Oh, ok. I’ll change it. Nvm I see you did it.

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Okay, well, this sounds nice…!
And what does the story have to do with the map?

:hammer_and_wrench: Give me something to build off of…


I already took it off

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it should prob be about the beginning of the forums, the ages and the evolution.

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One section of the map will be a mini-library, but I’m trying to decide whether or not to include a short story in it.

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Uh–well, you absolutely should, if it’s a llibrary!

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Like a history book filled with lore? Or a fantasy story set in an olden-times setting like The Hobbit?


But stories are fictional, or are they true?

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They can be either, technically.

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I think lore would be nice. Maybe add some lore of the people on the forums, like the DoD Vs. WoW and Mt. Snowy lore…


Yeah, I thought as much. Well, maybe like historical fiction.
Like @anon77744531’s idea.


Ok. I probably won’t include any specific person’s lore, but rather GKC history-related lore. Also, what do all of u think of my new pfp?

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that’s unrelated to this topic.
but I think it’s not the best because you didn’t make it yourself (no offense)


Yeah, I was just about to say.

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Change the background

I can’t change it bc I didn’t make it. I was only able to change it from a red dragon to a grey dragon with rough image editing.

Take the picture, screenshot it, remove the background, create a background hand drawn or AI, add the background to the picture by making the dragon a sticker or image with a transparent background. Volia

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Good idea! Thanks!

Lets get back on-track, though. Does anyone have any requests for my game before I end this?

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