Gimkit Anniversary Surprise Poll/Question

Yes, give the map flavor, don’t be afraid to add a variety of terrain, make sure there is LOTS of props.

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Oh, ok. I didn’t think of that.

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just delete the post.

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Yeah, you’re talking to a real map maker, here.
I would say make sure there are lots of interactions, like hidden objects, lore, playable games, (which I don’t think is necessary but would jazz up the map.) :thinking:


Yeah, I plan to include all that… and more. :wink:

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Great! :slight_smile:

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When do u think the Golden Age (the first age of the forum) was? From May 11th 2023 to when>

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I wouldn’t know, sorry. I joined in mid November.

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Oh, maybe until July.

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Oh, ok. @wingwave, when do u think the Golden Age (the first age of the forum) was? From May 11th 2023 to when?


What about from 5/11/23-6/30/23? Does that seem right?

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Yeah, that’s a good timeline!


Yeah, that seems about right. July is when the Dark Ages started.


Maybe you could do a story about a hero (you) who learns a lesson about the forums and building in GKC. You can talk about the “friends you’ve made along the way” and “what you’ve learned on your journey through time, space, deathruns, capture the flag, and everything else.”

omg this is so cringey :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face:


[Insert script of every kid game ever]


Yes, it’s cringy, but tbh, it’s a really good idea. I may use it in one of my new ones (Protect the V.I.P.) Anyway, I see a lot of good ideas in this post. Just make sure to stay on topic tho. :blush::+1:


Well, if you want a story of the history of the forums, here goes (I have been here way to much):
Once upon a time, there were gims that would roam all of the gimaxy, fishing and farming, playing tag, but they wanted more worlds. One day, they created a new place, where you could build your own lands. However, people needed help, and the rulers couldn’t do it themselves. So they made a forum. Everything was going great! There was a lot of helping, as well as the Featured Helpers and Unfeatured Helpers. They later named this period of time the ‘Old Forum Era’. But then disaster struck. A user called Reckoner flagged every post in sight, getting everyone banned, and setting the forum in ruins, forming the Reconic Era. The leaders had nothing they could do about it. So they abandoned the forum. Since people still needed help, they created another forum. Most of the users joined back, but with this new system, the rulers had more control. This was the beginning of a good forum. The Pre-GimAI Era. A couple days in on the new platform, and came an AI, GimAI to be precise. GimAI would rate posts, help people, and give likes. It was great! People loved it! But some people had the same spirit of Reckoner. You see, the AI could be trained. So while most trained it to give likes, provide feedback, and rate posts, others taught it bad things. The leaders had to ban it, making people mad. But they learned their lesson. The GimAI era was over. Some time in June, and a new star had been starting to shine. There were already people that were really good and active on the forum, such as Cameron Sharer, Blackhole927, Zypheir, NavyCatZ, WhoAmI, Anythinger, I’mPrettyCool, Mysz (I could go on, but I’m going to stop. Don’t blame me if I didn’t put your name.), but this one started out with a guide as their first post! He became world-renounced and as skillful as all of the others. They named this era after him, ClicClac. The Clacian Era was born! Next, even more stars would shine, as ClicClac decided to ban together all of the ‘regulars’ on the forum. They called this the GimAvengers (later became just Gimvengers, I think). This got discussed a lot, and became an off-topic chain. But it was good, as the Gimvengers are still remembered to this day! There was even a subsection for people who were good, but not quite ready for the big-leagues. This was the Gimvenger Era, which was short, but produced a lot of ingenuity for those striving to be more. But then came something everyone dreaded. SCHOOL! With school back in session, a lot of the common users that would ask for questions, basic and complex, were gone! With no one to ask questions, the Gimvengers were lonely. They were off-topic, and bored. This was the Dark Ages. However, a small star would brighten things up. A user that had been a Guardian of the Gimaxy, and then a minor Gimvenger stepped up to bat. He was already known, but not really considered with the rest of them. That all changed when he released Monopoly, which is still not finished, but famous to this day! They named the next era after him, when the dark ages weren’t as boring, and there was a guide to long to fully read. This was one of the hardest guides since ____Land (four, right ClicClac?)! After this, more stars started trickling in, the most noticable being GetRithcked (hope I spelled it right). This started a new era, called the Light Ages. More users started joining, and oldies came back. It was a crucial time period in the history of the forums. This joy wouldn’t last forever. The next era is the Departure Era. We all know what this is about. A lot of the Gimvengers and other main helpers realized that with all of the new minds, they weren’t as needed as they were before. New discovery made the overall knowledge of the community smarter. So they started leaving. One of the main departures is that of Mysz, who asked to be banned. This was bad. Some might say Blackhole927 did the same, but he left for school reasons. Even I fell to this, as it did get kind of boring. But good would come out of this. People started seeking for even more knowlege, led my GetRithcked and Shdwy. They dove into the deepest parts of technical gimkit, and with the help of old, knowledgeable folks, we know so much about everything block code can do for you. This was the discovery age, and more and more people became smart. Now we are in sort of a separate part of the forums, but I’m not quite sure what. Maybe you could be the name for the next age, and just remember, the forum has a lot of history, but even more joy.

Hope this is what you wanted, and is not too much of an eye-pain


i remeber that hacker bro i made a guide then out of no where i go to the home and everything was gone

  1. may 25th, 2023 - forums created because of reckoner
  2. june - idk
  3. july - (first) dark age begins, lots of off-topic posts and chatting, gimvengers and guardian of gimaxy are formed. tbh better reading material than this forum
  4. uh, i’m not feeling good rn
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Umm… Ok… How LoNg DiD iT tAkE yOu To WrItE tHaT?

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