Gimkit: Altered Reality Cover *New Update: Cover Due Date March 15, 2025.*

So Gimkit Altered Realities is done!
I am also done with a bonus chapter: Mall-ti Ballistic.
I want it to be based off of this:

  1. Gimkit: Altered Reality
  2. Explained in another topic, but anyways you go to each of the older maps, Fishtopia, Rocky Farms. They are distorted.
  3. A mall background
  4. A shelf (like in piggy)
  5. A sentry Gim
  6. Sentry Gim: Staring You (Whatever Gim): Scared Face
  7. ImAGimkitFan *me)
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The category should be Art , not Help

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Whoops I forgot!

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I can make one for you, what’s the due date?


Try to get it done before Feburary 20.

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i might make one but idk yet
your going down spudecraft245 >:D


Oh, you wanna bet? @metal_sonic-1? You are getting cooked

for you

Life can be harsh, people online can get you down, but you should always remember that people are with you if you let them help you. I was on blackjack’s side, but after i saw your struggles, it reminded me of me when i first joined the forums, i had no friends, but i let people get close to me
If you have to leave for a while, i understand. But remember that people are always with you. You just have to look hard enough




I noticed that picture aren’t loading in anymore… Are you taking the screenshot using something like Windows Snip and Sketch and copy and pasting it in? If so, you have to go into your files and drag and drop the saved picture into your post. [1]

  1. At least, it worked for me doing it that way ↩︎


That is what I am doing. (I don’t have any idea what happened)

it seems you used preformatted text.
just paste the photo.
dont use preformatted text.

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Oh, hey! I’ma try to make a thumbnail for ya since your topic is finished. It’s the least I can do after I got ur old topic closed :sweat_smile:

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I’ma start the thumbnail in a while (in an hour or so)

So you mean a gim scared while he’s being watched by a sentry?

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I might do this, or might just watch this topic to see the @Spydecraft245 and @metal_sonic-1 thumbnail battle. Although if I do make a thumbnail, you guys don’t stand a chance.


bet (you totally gonna win but im going to do it anyways)

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rubs hands deviously while frying pan for medium-rare thumbnails is being delivered.

It’s on.


what other topic?
if this is a repost, edit your original post.

like, mini stores?
can it be blurry or be completely visible?


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I think he meant this :point_down:

Don’t mind the pic, it’s the only thing i found


just a random bookshelf?

kleki loaded.