Gim-Opoly? is this possible?

I’m trying to make a Monopoly game in gimkit. is this possible? i also need ideas for street/place names for the board. @ClicClac your good at games, how would this work?


This guide?


I can help when I’m out of school, or about 3:30pm mountain time

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thats a snakes and ladders type game.

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Kitayfair, gimeet street
you might be able to do that but you might not be able to use chance and community,
use a teleporter on go to jail and make an item giver connected to a trigger at pass go, everyone would have to be following the rules because otherwise you would have to use an intricate teleportation system.

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yeah it is just it would use like a absolute amount of zones and probbibly some blocks too.

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Make the gimington railroad

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No cap this a pretty crazy idea this game is gonna be fire when it comes out if it does

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Do the United Gimchester Foundation as a plumbing company

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Anyways my name was mentioned, so I’m here. (Yes I know you didn’t mean me).

Monopoloy could be made pretty easily if you want to make a small system because you could have iventory checkers looking for items, and seeing if someone landed on a zone.

Whenever they land on a property you send them a popup asking them if they want to buy the property.

(Just some random ideas)


what happened to captain gim-erica?


It IS possible, it’s just complicated, using MANY counters and blocks

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He’s going through the cycle of traveling the Multiverse and he changes variants every time he arrives at a new Earth. I’ve been sollceting them on a Canva, but I did it to give him a bigger story and to draw more Cap stuff.


If you are sure about this it will be INCREDIBLY complicated probably taking up all you’re memory

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it still is based off it.

Yes. : ( Idk if your device can support all that memory…….

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counters for money, counters for property, counters for large decrements for those counters, teleporters on every space, mystery cards- wait!

Mystery Card Ideas
Un-hides sentries
Gives weapons
Gives Supercharged Weapons
Decrement or Add Money for birthdays, taxes, expenses, gifts, etc.

How to make supercharged gadgets:

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I’m making a “RISK” game right now so I might be able to help you. Would have to wait a minute though.

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Maybe you could use barriers to activate.