Gim Drone in the Danger Zone help

Hello, sorry if this reply is late but im good map is doing fine, im doing math right now


hmmmmm what does the 3 mean :thinking:

Math but sloppy

:hushed: ohh i thought it was an e, that confused me, he he ,sorry i might get banned now

Nope, nvm i searched it up in incognito mode

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27d Bump Revival, @Mikey , still want to help?

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He hasn’t posted since May 11…

yea I havent posted since may eleventh
I probly wont log in alot tho

the forums havent really chage i see alot of advanced guides and thumbnails and beginers having the easyest questions ever

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who ever did this said" look m0m, no effort"

but we’re getting off-topic here…

This is what no effort gets you here, because this guide is probably the most famous one here.

Anyways, @FAST_Developer the idea is that you want an “AI” in your game, or a

because if so, then all you need is a coordinate system, or a spot where it should explode on the map that just has a damager wired to a zone that acts as a sort of explosion zone.

Which guide?

to screenshot a screenshot, this guide.

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Oh… Lol

I should read more carefully :laughing:

It has 113 now…

Yeah, that was an old post, i figured it out already, thanks for the idea though!

Is this still open cause I was thinking about helping out

Welcome to the forums, @Falcon!
Read some of the forum-tips and/or forum-beginners if you haven’t already!

Thx but I’m not new. I’ve worked on multiple complex creative maps before.

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