Gim Drone in the Danger Zone help

the clone should have to mine at night and fight during the day(u smuggle some of the blocks u mine to help in fights)

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yep, that is exactly why it is called Gim Drone, because the clone is a sentient ai gim that is allied with you. Just wait until @Doborog hears about this

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i gotta go but ill be back 2 help

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Ok, anyone else have any ideas?
Contact me At Personally if you wanna help with making the game itself

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Oy, that you said this was going to be private😡?


immmmmmmm back wassss up

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Hello there! Yeah wanna help make it in-game or just give suggestions?

I’ve angered the Be@st…


i can help on the game for like 5min(message me the code)

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How do i message the code?
Like actual messaging or just here on the forums
I don’t know how to message you privately.

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flash it quickly the remove it :sunglasses:

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got it
srry about the weird skin i forgot to change it

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Follow me


what i do

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Work on the rest of the area

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same as what u did

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You said ch.2 clone mines at night and fights during the day right?

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gotta go srry my mother needs the computer, u cant say mo.m

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oh, alright G’Day man.

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hello hows it going with the map and how r u doing

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