GIANT Mario Kart banana. [ Difficulty 0/10 ⬜ ]

suggestion for the barrier art,
you might want to remove the barrier outline

the sky is blue

Sorry, I’ll fix that up.

You really copied my reply? :skull:

didn’t see it, sorry.I don’t always read spoiler text

Oh, ok. I just hate when people copy me.

I think it would look better if you could at least make the black outer barriers a little lighter

Sorry I didn’t realize that there were barrier outlines until it was to late…

I thought this was how to make a functional banana… Still a great guide, just not helpful to me right now.

Nice art! Maybe make a more compact version somehow for smaller uses because bananas in Mario kart are not that big. Maybe tinker?

Would a working banana peel be something like:



Kinda. For my purposes, you need to be able to press a button to drop the banana, and the game remembers where you dropped it, and causes you to slip ONLY in that spot.

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I’ll work on shrinking it and a “slipping” function

Also @THEHACKER120 I have never been able to get this to work. How did you get that banana to do that? In all of my games I have had to use an item spawner.

Look in this guide:

Coordinate system. Probably.

This is the new banana peel and slipping mechanism.
Screenshot 2024-04-08 7.54.54 PM

Screenshot 2024-04-08 7.55.13 PM

The grass is green.

This amazing guide deserves a good ole’

(2% memory total in case anyone was wondering)

Youre going to have to do THE TIMER SYSTEM so you can make a cooldown

wont u need a cooldown