Project Peculiar… A world where it can never fail to surprise you.
From cute slimes to sleepy dragons to unhappy clouds, this little gamemode has you running errands for… strange NPCs.
But I need more ideas for the utmost random NPCs. be creative
Rubix Cube
Ghost and Crying Mallet
lego bread
Some of my ideas:
-a snarky mirror that comments on your appearance
-a cowardly knight in shining armor
a cute white cat who will try to mislead the player
I tried to think of things that would be the opposite of what the player would expect
2x2 Rubik’s Cube
My pet cat
A bathrobe
The shift key on a keyboard
The Gimkit Creative Forums in their entirety (that one’s probably gonna be the hardest ngl)
Another idea: Jimmy Carter, just because he’s the highest aged president at least for the next ten years or so.