Gateways for team game

how do i make gates that ony let certain teams go through? HELP

You can a zone to deactivate a barrier or prop for the gate then only activate that zone for the team you want to be able to get through.

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Use Triggers!

err can u help me do that like wich devise do i use

I’ll make a system later but I don’t have time right now.


You can use a barrier or prop for this. Overlapping the zone allows it the open from both sides and automatically closes the barrier once you leave. Since the barrier is player scoped it only will deactivate for the players in the zone and on the correct team. I used team 1 for this but you can change the team in the relay.

  • Life Cycle


  • Relay



  • Zone
    No Chnages Needed


I know it doesn’t look like it but there is a wire going from the zone to the barrier.

  • Barrier

thks ill try that :grinning: if i can figure it out then ur best

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Welcome to the forums @Tacocat ! Also, do you need the teams to go through both ways or only one way?

they need to go through both ways

Have you tried my design yet?

Use flags. Set the team the “protecting team” to the other team, as then they won’t be able to enter it, but players on the “capture this flag” team can.

Welcome to the forums!

For your answer, connect a zone to a relay that checks if the player is on a team. Connect the relay to a barrier which turns it off. If you want it to close behind you, put another zone and connect it to the barrier, turning it back on.

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can somebody reply please

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