Games that are stealing thumbnails

There is a game out there, I wont say the name, but there are multiple copies of it that are stealing the thumbnail

This technically is theft, right? It is insane that people out there are to lazy to do make their own thumbnail. I just want to know who made the original thumbnail and the game so I don’t have to take shots in the dark with my reports. Thanks

I’ma come back later and awnser any questions etc. probably around 2:16 pacific I think

sigh the disappointment of ppl

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oh yeah the same thing was happening to my game escape the lava for a while they were stealing the game and thumbnail

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I believe it was M1Dnight who made the image and LilMonke321 who made the game.
Here is the link to the topic;

A common mistake to make is putting your signature in the corner, which is what M1Dnight did. It can be easily cropped out.

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the game was made by lilmonke and the thumbnail was made by m1dnight

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If you want to report the games, you can do so by emailing


Yes and there are a lot lot of other games that have stolen thumbnails to, to many to keep track of.

alr. I’m on it in my free time

Please email links to these maps to so they can be removed.

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