Game Ideas? Please Help

I’m making a Game called "Enter The Gimgeon"and I need ideas. It’s supposed to be based of of “Enter the Gungeon” and I need help with ideas.

Ideas (More Coming)
  • Custom Bosses
  • Custom Mechanics
  • Custom Guns (If Possible)
  • Custom Textures?
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I think “The GImgeon” sounds better then “enter”
and idk any good ideas cuz Overgrown and a lot others are out there so idk

Like a dungeon?

Yes. Precisely. So, do you have any??

Yes! Lemme type a few…

Some really cool decorations for a dungeon, you can make the floor like a scrap… and you can put the spiderweb in a corner! You can add some different leaves and things like that around the place! Some cool things you can also consider adding broken glass but that is for a creepy look! You can try something like using the dirt and attempting to make the dirt grey to simulate dust! You can use the dust and cobwebs onto the bookshelves to make them look old. You can also add some books to the floor and paper around it to look more like it is giving an old vibe! You can make some sort of a creepy banner! You can also consider tinting the room with a sort of dark thing and put some chains around the place! Put :skull: to make it look creepy! [1]

  1. Are you wanting it creepy…? ↩︎

That’s really cool! Ima Add those to the idea board. thanks @leo_flowers

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