Game ideas needed please

ya lol (i love legends of zelda games)

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You could make a game where you have to be in a spot or you lose and once every one is there it looks like a picture. So like it activates different zones and points for people so like it makes a triangle.

i can also help you make a legend of zelda game if you want

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ok I can make a p@dlet later I’m at school rn
I’m already making a game with someone but I can make a Zelda one too!

i cant use p@dlet sorry its blocked on my school computer (i do gimkit at school)

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Morning, @SilentPrincess_33 have you checked our p@dlet yet, just asking, anyway, I made a new world and I think I have a pretty good layout for what I want to do for our game :grinning:


ok I’ll check it out I haven’t been on my Chromebook a lot today

Yeah, I understand, I also noticed that your username is the flower in totk and botw
I’ve played both and beat them both

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I beat them both too

botw: so many times I cant even count
totk: twice (once on my brothers account)

i haven’t even beaten one XD

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Same, I beat totk within 21 hours

p@dlet is in my bio we can talk there so this isn’t flagged
I’ll create a new one once I log in
gimguy made it for me bc I cant log in yet


I created the new pa.dlet and its in my bio

Sadly pad_lets are now banned on the forums

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banned like we cant post the links?

Yes. Padlet’s are banned in bio’s and in all posts now.

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Dang, well, I can’t do that now

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