Game Ideas (Different Post)

Hey there!

So I need some more ideas for a new game. I am taking a break for those of you wondering about the Hunger Games one! I am looking for some fun ideas. I’m looking to make one that EVERYONE contributes (You will be credited for anything you add)! I just want to make a very fun one and looking for fun ideas!

Thanks so much, everyone!


  • One that HASN’T been made
  • Other than that, good luck!

Extras (Optional):

  • You are more than welcome to design art, codes, and rooms!


:two_hearts: Just know, you are more than enough. People love you and support you no matter what! :two_hearts:

Have an amazing day/evening/night!

Anyone wanna respond? Still looking :slight_smile:

oop missed this
honestly go off of what you like playing
I think we have to many pvp games so I made a story game where you use logic and puzzles

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This help?

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Honestly, not really. I’ve read all of these, and no ideas have come to me. Thanks for trying though!