Game Crashes with Popup Button

So I have a fishing system, and when you have no bait, a popup shows and tells you have no bait. I also have a button to open the questioner and answer questions. However, when I click the button, this error page shows.


This is just the server crashing; nothing is wrong with the popup.

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However it always happens when I click the button.

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turn it off and on again? :thinking:

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What should I turn off?

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Your device,
It’s probably nothing just give it a minute.

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I did, and it still didn’t work.

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contact a moderator about the situation, they most likely know how to fix it.

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Can I see the build?

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I think that’s a bug but I can be wrong (like really wrong)

@Coder_Gage Keep the bug and make an easter egg where if someone does the wrong thing their game crashes!

@Coder_Gage You have to make it so that the popup closes before the question screen opens. If the popup and the question answering screen are open at the same time, the game will crash.
