Game about shapeshifting Gadgets 🤔

So there is this little game I perhaps WANT to make, it’s called
“Shape-Shifting Gadgets”
It’s a battle royale game where your gadget changes into another every 5 seconds.
I want some ideas,
it will use every gadget except pickaxe.
Maybe utilize the dynamic terrain to spice it up?
The game will be top-down.


Is the map Top Down or Platformer based~

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how about every time it runs out of ammo?

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Maybe have it change every 10 seconds while also have it change on reload?


oh! I like it… but make the 10 seconds reset every time a gadget changes

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Bro I didn’t read it all :skull: was thinking maybe you could change props every time the gadget changes so like when you have the quantum portal all players could either be teleported to a space like area or you could have space props visible, but I would recommend maybe changing the time to 30 secs.
~ Quantum Portal, space props
~ P.M.L, bakery or nature

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I want chaos of gadgets constantly being switched.

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First i’m gonna need a map.
Problem is I am BAD at making a map, more technical for me i suppose,
Probably focus on the main mechanics.

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Fair, I would say 30 secs max, just said 30 secs because if you were to have changing terrain every 10-15 secs there is a 31% chance of a server overload/crash. Its like a lag machine :DD :PP

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Put a link in your bio, I have a few minutes, I’ll help in any way needed~

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Maybe you could do a timed challenge where once the player switches weapons, an area unlocks and they have to do something like an escape room to get out in time, where they get a gadget-themed reward.

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Should this be in Help?


That’s probably impossible

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you could use the pickaxe as a melee item if you decide to not use dynamic terrain. Maybe you could also give the player a small speed boost since most of the time ranged beats melee. also, how did you put in single unclickable checkbox

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Put [ ] but without the italics.

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We CAN use inventory item managers that help check once the gadget runs out of ammo.

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What do you guys think about/I should add to my lobby

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what I do is a my signature name, cheese, and a basketball hoop

a good website for the cool font is this and that


That’s an actually good idea.

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