GabrielisAwake's Binary Calculator v2.0: Addition + Subtraction

Before you view this guide, it is recommended that you build my last guide, if you are interested in building this one. This is going to be similar to the first guide in the first few steps, but it’s going to get a whole lot different. Also, it is best to have grid snap to 64 for this because I can say “Place this 4 blocks away, etc.”

Since you have looked at or followed along to that guide, get ready to change it into this all-new calculator! vvv

I know it seems like a lot because- honestly it kind of is- but it is pretty much a BUNCH of copy/pasting devices. Here is a list of the materials needed for this new guide:

  • 24 triggers (3 kinds of UNIQUE triggers, though)
  • 12 buttons
  • 17 counters
  • 22 wire repeaters ( 10 of these have a 0.1 second delay)
  • 103 wires (POV: You when you see “103 wires” :exploding_head::skull:)

I’m going to be splitting this guide into 5 sections: Beginning Row; Trigger Central; Subtraction Row; Addition Row; and Operational Buttons.

Beginning Row:

  • 8 triggers
  • 8 counters
  • 8 wire repeaters
  • 8 buttons
  • 40 wires

Step 1: place 4 buttons in a row, with the Interaction Duration set to “Instant”. Place each one 3 blocks away from the next (2 blocks in between).
Step 2: Label the buttons, from left to right, “8” then “4” then “2” then “1”.

Step 3: Place a counter 2 blocks above the left-most button (1 block in between). Set the starting value to 0, and select “yes” for a target number in the target tab in the counter. Set the target number to 2.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.19.07 PM

Step 4: Copy that counter and place it 2 blocks above every other button, like the first.

Step 5: Place a wire repeater on the bottom right of each counter (Top right of the buttons), 4 in total, without changing the delay on any of them.

Step 6: Place a trigger directly above each counter, 4 in total, in the same line with the button. Configure the trigger like the images below:

Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.26.57 PM
Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.27.12 PM

Step 7: Copy that trigger to the rest of the columns, each one directly above the counters, it should look symmetrical when you are done.

Step 8: Wire each device in the first column like the sub-steps below:

  1. Wire the button to the trigger, with the conditions of press button-> activate trigger (A).
  2. Wire the button to the counter with the conditions of press button-> increment counter (B).
  3. Wire the counter to the wire repeater with the condition that the target value is reached (C).
  4. Wire the wire repeater back to the counter with the condition that it resets the counter (D).
  5. Wire the wire repeater to the trigger with the condition that it deactivates the trigger (E).






Step 9: Repeat that process for every column, so it will be 20 wires in total.

Step 10: Copy the entire 4 columns and place it so that the right-most button of the ORIGINAL set of columns is 4 blocks away from the COPIED set (3 blocks in between).

Trigger Central:

  • 16 triggers
  • 20 wires
  • 4 wire repeaters

Step 1: Copy one of the triggers in the last section, but clear the channel “Solve” in “trigger when receiving on”. This will be the “Plus” trigger. Then, configure the trigger like the images below:
Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.51.42 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.51.50 PM

Step 2: Copy the plus trigger and switch the activate and deactivate channels, so it activates on “Minus” and deactivates on “Plus”. This will be the “Minus” Trigger.

Step 3: On the left set of columns, place plus triggers to the top left of every original trigger on each column (A); place the minus triggers 1 block above and 2 blocks to the right of the plus triggers (B).

Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.58.49 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-30 2.59.13 PM

Step 4: Wire the original trigger to both the plus and minus triggers, each with the condition that triggered->trigger.

Step 5: On the Right set of columns, place the plus triggers on the top RIGHT of the original triggers, then place the minus trigger 1 block above and 2 blocks to the LEFT of the plus triggers, mirroring the left set.

Step 6: Place wire repeaters- with a 0.1 second delay- above the minus triggers on the right set, with 4 in total.

Screenshot 2023-10-30 3.10.00 PM

Step 7: Wire the Original triggers to the Plus triggers, and the original triggers to the minus triggers the same way done on the left set (triggered->trigger).

Step 8: Wire the minus triggers to the wire repeaters above them with the condition of triggered->repeat wire pulse.

Subtraction Row:

  • 4 counters- Set the target number to -1
  • 6 wire repeaters with a 0.1 second delay
  • 15 wires

Step 1: Place a counter 2 blocks above (1 block inbetween) the 2nd minus trigger on trigger central, starting from the left.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 9.55.00 AM

Step 2: Place another counter 3 blocks to the right of the first one.

Step 3: Place another counter 5 blocks to the right of the last one you placed.

Step 5: Place a counter 4 blocks to the right of the last counter.

Step 6: Place wire repeaters immediately to the right of the 3 right-most counters, then place another one next to it.

Step 7: Wire every counter to the wire repeater that they are touching (immediately to the right) with the condition that the target value is reached.

vvv Wire repeaters moved to show wires vvv
Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.23.57 AM

Step 8: Wire the wire repeaters 1. Back to the counter to reset counter (A); 2. To the counter to the left of it’s connected counter (B); 3. To the second wire repeater (C)

Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.38.08 AM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.39.03 AM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.35.14 AM

When you are finished, it should look something like this:
Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.37.32 AM

Step 9: Wire the second wire repeater in each series to the connected counter with the condition that it increments the counter.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 11.43.05 AM

Step 10: 1. Going back to Trigger Central, on the left set, wire all the MINUS triggers to the counters, with their numbers respectively.

  1. On the right set now, wire all the wire repeaters (the ones that are connected to the minus triggers) to the counters, numbers respected.

Addition Row:

  • 5 counters- set the target to 2
  • 4 wire repeaters- set the delay to 0.0 seconds
  • 17 wires

This is the same thing as the resulting number row in the first guide that was linked at the top, so you can go there and look at it, but here’s a run-down of it really fast:

  1. Place a counter 2 blocks above and 1 block to the left of the left most counter in subtraction row. Copy that counter 4 blocks to the right of the original one, do that until you have 5 counters in total.
  2. Place wire repeaters immediately next to the 4 right-most counters, without any delay.
  3. Wire those counters to the wire repeaters saying “Target value reached”; wire the repeaters BACK to the counters saying “Reset counter”; also wire the repeaters to the counter on the left off the connected counter saying “increment counter”.
  4. Wire all the PLUS triggers to the aaddition row, with respect to the numbers of the columns.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 12.41.05 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 12.41.27 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 12.41.43 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 12.42.30 PM

Screenshot 2023-10-31 12.43.06 PM

Sorry, that might have been a little confusing, but I’ve been working on this guide since yesterday, and I’m starting to lose patience lol. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will try my best to answer them. Hope you enjoyed this guide, and I always like suggestions on what to do next!


Wow! Nice guide!


Oh shoot, i forgot to put the buttons lol. Put buttons that say things like “plus”, “minus”, “equals”, and “reset”, with instant interaction duration. Make it so that the buttons transmit the proper channels that you put during the build, and you should be good.

This is… Beautiful, perfection at it’s highest peak, though I’m going to make my own calculator.


A calculator with properties, or no? Cause if not, binary, or regular numbers?

A calculator that uses counters akin to yours but with logic gates, however this may be more inefficient.

Nice! This is actually a pretty interesting guide!

Nice guide! It’s use is interesting, and it looks really cool as well!

Hmm, yes my logic gates are inefficient indeed

The logic gates took around ~1600 memory, ~500 for the OR gate, ~400 for the AND gate, ~700 for the XOR gate, for an 8 bit adder I would need 2 x 8 XOR gates (11,200 memory), 2 x 8 AND gates (6,400 memory), 1 x 8 OR gates (4,000 memory), in total I would need 21,600 memory for a simple 8 bit adder without subtraction

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Another great binary calculator update! The 103 wires is a liiiittle bit insane lol

Why binary counters, may I ask? Just for fun?

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Probably just a little project for them to do. Pretty cool, too.

First, sorry this is late btw, I just got around to reading more replies on this guide. Second, it started when I wanted to make a calculator, or just something computer-like, but I didn’t know how to use properties all that well (Still dont lol), so I wanted to try and make it without any properties, or blocks. It started with addition, and for the longest time I THOUGHT about doing subtraction, but I put it off until now. And as for the 103 wires, uhhhhhhhhhh lol yeaaah. A simple fix is just using channels, but then you would probably need a LOT of channels for everything to be individual, but I guess it would be a little easier…

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Fair enough.

Wires make it a liiiittle bit easier to organize sometimes. They’re visual, and channels aren’t.

I’m surprised they take up memory though, it seems weird given that they probably store less than channels.

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Bumps to bump.

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bumper i mean better looking than my map