Forumer quotes needed!

Username: Ben^10
Gim: Graduate (Blue)

“The Super Duper Gimario Gimkit Gimbros, or the actually good one?”

“1 + 1 = 3? Pretty sure that’s not how math works…”

“Time for bed but clown car”

“But… There’s no pizza involved whatsoever…”

“Gimpa’s GimFreezieGim Super Shop!”

“I wish I could actually contribute to this conversation.”

“Bro what :neutral_face:

“Yaaayy!!! I finally finished… THE TITLE :melting_face:

“Maybe IF you thank the bus driver he won’t obliterate you.”

That’s probably enough

Yoooo @Slim actually remembered me! Thanks Slim


Fortnite reference? :grinning:
(No I’m not a fortnite kid that doesn’t touch grass I just play the game normally

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No, they’re probably referring to the long yellow car generally used in school settings that goes vroom.


Username: BrownSugarAlien
Gim: Niblet
Quote: All art made with care and love is beautiful. Even if someone else’s art is better than yours, it doesn’t matter! Whenever you make art, keep this in mind.
Call to action 1: Wow, thanks!
Call to action 2: What’s with all the art?
When Wow, thanks! is pressed, have a popup that says: No problem!
When What’s with all the art? is pressed have a popup that says: Because I’m a thumbnailist?


Never played Fortnite ever sooo…


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Also if you want a serious quote for mine instead of my list above, do

"I am not enough.

This is the last time I will say that

I am worthy.

I always tell myself

I can’t do it.

You will never hear me say

I will make it to the top.

I can be great.

But not today

I will always think I can’t do it."

Now read it backwards. (Bottom line to top line)


Name: TheRealGim1
Skin: Orbit
Quote: “Don’t wait for the perfect moment—take the moment and make it perfect.”


Guys dont get me wrong and flag this…

Name: qfw
Skin: 5th celebration
Quote: " You can never change the past, that has already happened. What you can change is what how will you react to it and what lies ahead of you! "

Stay happy!


Thats kinda like a quote my brother invented! he said “The past doesnt count”
Please dont add that, tho, reg


i took orbit
(sorry lol)

Another quote. This one is all mine.
Same gim.
Quote: You are never late, you’re just early at the wrong time.

Ohh, this is a spin on a famous quote.

I have not failed, I have only found 10,000 ways that would have worked in parallel universes.


Gim: Airheart [1]
Name: here_to_help
Quote: (this is real back from 2023)

You can’t be good at GKC and not be creative. Only I can get away with that. - hth

  1. please don’t already be taken ↩︎


There’s slowmode on this post :skull:
Maybe take that as a hint and stop asking, there are already over 90 people, I think that’s enough, considering the max sentries anyway is 100.


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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Golly, there’s so much work to do!
Thank goodness, @stringdosalot does all the work!


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can I change my quote. if yes I’ll change it to this. "art is never bad, it’s just unique.


Gim: Gobbler (if taken obviously ozi if both are taken Joe)
Name: ARMADILLO (literally nobody knows who I am lol)
Quote: You never said I couldnt


i actually have no idea what’s going on in this post

name: top z
gim: peaceful morning
quote: “how do you rotate lasers?”

(quote based on my first ever forum post) (second ever post on the old forums) (haha shameless flex)


@ARMADILLO, you can’t get Joe as a sentry. I tested it out but there were no results for Joe.

Peaceful Morning is already being used by Jobozo1875. Also, nice first post lol!