Forum Flagging Help


WolfTech posted a PSA in October

PSAs were banned sometime around November or December

Therefore his PSA should not have been flagged…

Flag war is crazy. I hope this stops soon.
Also, I agree with chrysostom. People should just leave old topics/posts and not flag them.


yeah, but new users be like: “omg free flag”

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I don’t think it’s the new users that’s flagging. Probably the unhappy ones in the community.

pretty much, let me see…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 regulars. So many of these people are online a decent amount of time.

You also forgot Cello, and as here to help and dyna champ said, llamalady and foxy.

Bruh it’s just me :sob: and kosmo and the others like Voidfluffy, for now. And chrysotom and blackhole and wolf tech and egg noodle and getrithekd and everyone else

people who have stayed here for maybe like, from a range of august, to feb I think. Gone.

@ruroreggie I mean, this is kinda?? a serious problem, involving many forum members, so yeah. But yeah, I do agree, by at that time, atleast some kid should of flagged it. I guessed we all unanimously agreed as a community (even though we didn’t vote at all lol) to keep this up


Haha, I’m honestly surprised THIS hasn’t been hidden yet

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I know, right? Like, I joined very late [March 2024 :skull:] even though I was observing the forums for a while before that. It’s sad to see everybody that I saw before I made my account leave.

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I think people are leaving for the same general reason: the community is getting worse and worse. A lot has given up trying to remind people not making off-topic posts, yet people don’t listen and start arguments, calling people “karens” and telling them to go “MYOB”. Regulars are the ones who help the community though, yet lot of them are leaving.


I guess they are just fed up.

I can see why… they are patient, but sometimes, they can snap…

But not all of them are leaving because of the community, some because of school work, academics, (yes same thing as before) personal life, mental health, and more.

I’ll still stay though. (maybe online during the summer?)


Facts. I can’t deny that.

But mostly regulars are leaving because most of their friends on the forums have already left,because of IRL, and they think people don’t need help anymore.


Calling people out won’t make the situation any better.


Academic issues are adding on to why they are leaving. It’s a good choice to prioritize yourself over the forums though.

About that, I’ll try not to leave. I’ll start by making more game mechanics guides, that’ll hopefully inspire some people.


That’s so true…

when there was thumbnails commissions, most regulars, just couldn’t help.
Regulars here are like the backbone of the community, help out, and are trustworthy. (most of them) If they leave, then you know somethings up. 10 users leaving, oof. Thats a lot of people gone and no longer active. I might leave, I’ve been contemplating that with everything going on, but I don’t feel like I should, or yet. But back to the leavings, sometimes, it’s better if they go. If they feel like they should, theres nothing to stop them. Some are leaving because they are burnt out, and some are leaving because their friends leave, some feel like they no longer fit the piece of the puzzle, and thats why they left. They couldn’t help. Some are leaving because of academics (god bless you since you went for the greater good)

yeah if I ever leave, it’s not academics.


I also joined around that time (March 2024). Or at least started being active around that time. I will never fully leave the forums, but I also won’t always be active all the time. I hope some of the people who left come back! :pray:

Jeff restored them so this topic can now close. And no one was at fault, it was the systems error so please don’t call anyone out for it. But thanks Jeff :slightly_smiling_face:


But it was humans that flagged, not the system.

It was the system that auto removed, some of the guides were never flagged by users. All together it doesn’t make sense.


it was though.


You’re going against what you said before?


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