Forum Flagging Help

and every good forum user.
also, foxy.


This might have most likely happened due to two or more members flagging those topics. Staff can view the flag queue to check who flagged it, and they have an option to bring the topic back (if they wanted to)

at this rate the forums will be completely flushed through by next summer.


yessir :saluting_face:


well stop YAPPING and get to WORK you sillies so this most unfortunate end does not occur!!!

(not serious)


(making my escape from math)
(and making my escape from this topic)


notice it was made in October, so actually not off-topic then

off-topic now though

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Wait Foxy is gone?
When did this happen?
Why do I miss the drama and important stuff.


pretty recently

no drama, she kinda just left…

not trying to start a debate, but if something was allowed, and now isn’t, should it be punished…

e.g: imagine there was no law against running red lights, and people did it all the time. Then a new law was enforced telling people that running red lights was against the law and people who did it would be fined. Should the people who use to do it before the law was made get fined then?

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This is backed up in American law by a ban on ex post facto laws, or laws that apply punishments to things that happened in the past.


define past.

“Before now”
“Before the rule was made”
“Previously in time”

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BTW you can get past the character limit by putting stuff between these: <>


WolfTech posted a PSA in October

PSAs were banned sometime around November or December

Therefore his PSA should not have been flagged…

Flag war is crazy. I hope this stops soon.
Also, I agree with chrysostom. People should just leave old topics/posts and not flag them.


yeah, but new users be like: “omg free flag”

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I don’t think it’s the new users that’s flagging. Probably the unhappy ones in the community.

pretty much, let me see…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 regulars. So many of these people are online a decent amount of time.

You also forgot Cello, and as here to help and dyna champ said, llamalady and foxy.

Bruh it’s just me :sob: and kosmo and the others like Voidfluffy, for now. And chrysotom and blackhole and wolf tech and egg noodle and getrithekd and everyone else

people who have stayed here for maybe like, from a range of august, to feb I think. Gone.

@ruroreggie I mean, this is kinda?? a serious problem, involving many forum members, so yeah. But yeah, I do agree, by at that time, atleast some kid should of flagged it. I guessed we all unanimously agreed as a community (even though we didn’t vote at all lol) to keep this up