Fortnite Reboot Help

Heh, yall, lets chill here, pls dont bring drama here… many ogs left cuz of it


also, just saying, the your before bio is correct.

Your is a possessive term.

You’re is different. It’s you are, it’s describing.

But if you guys keep arguing, then theres nothing else I can do.

So please, you learned something new today. There. No more arguing? Yes?


You can’t revive players so you would have to put them in a box and add a button that pick a specific person to be teleported back to the map.

Does your game include any Fortnite® names, etc.

If it does this is a violation of copyright law, and I highly suggest you change the names to clearly distictable parodies.

Or here?
Man you gotta improve on spelling
also sorry for being off-topic

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