i need anyone who knows someone who is perma banned (on the gkcf) cause im making a cemetry game with their name in a grave
Um… why? You should not put someone’s name (even if digital) or you could end up perma banned(Doubt it though). Just put Josh Gim.
you need permission from the people being added
just for rememberance
ahhhhhhhhh ok. thanks!
add me on the game tomb it, lol
oops soorry ill take it down
completly forgot about it
you can post pictures, but without the codes…
add the text on the stone?
its a barrier the text goes behind and i did place it second
bring the text to the above layer
it works when i try it tho…
can i email u the code (if u want/can)
sent it i dont have a padlet account so it should say anymouncs
check the padlet real quick…