Fnaf map (in progress) day 2

this is the 2nd part of my fnaf maps progression! (this took way too long :smiling_face_with_tear:)
screenshot 1:

screenshot 2:

screenshot 3:

screenshot 4:

screenshot 5:

just like I said in the previous you guys can help me with the mechanics or just admire the complexity of this map!


I may or may not have left out screenshots of secrets hidden within the map.


Couldn’t you just make a seperate post and create the topic when you finish all the nights?
Also, where are the camera locations?


So what do you need help with?

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I am working on the locations of each camera so they will be finished soon, and I am mostly puzzled about having the animatronics still be able to attack you as your in the cameras.


pretty sure he´s just doing this so he dosent have to make a wip and have limited editing time i think he making these so he can combine them into a guide once he´s done


uuuuuuuh… I just posted the reply…

Yeah I get your point but wouldn’t it be better to make a draft, wait to finish the map and publish the guide?
It would also lessen clutter.
(Not trying to sound mean)

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yeah but he/she is new so he might not know of most of these things on the forums and apparently he/she needs help with the jumpscare mechanic so lets go ahead and help
him /her with that


anyways gtg byeeeeeee

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I am doing this because I’m lazy and don’t want to keep all of the screenshots over a long period of time so…

I have to leave soon so can we make this quick

just leave it unresolved for a day and comeback just dont leave it unsolved for too long

also, I’ve kept my eye on the forums for 2 months now, but it’s only until 2 days ago that I’d made my own account

ok! I will do that. it’s just that the only issue is the cams.

do you need help debugging it or just like how to make one?

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Could I make a wiki, and you edit the post accordingly from there?

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I gtg now, bye! (I will come back tomorrow)

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*gasp I figured it out! All I needed to do was make a zone that ends the game!

What’s the zone for?
I thought the night ends at 6AM so wouldn’t you use a timer for that?

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