Flagged Post [needs to be removed]

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Can you explain the problem a bit more?

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Huh what is this topic

Yeah can you explain the problem

its a ban speedrunner just flag all of there post.


I can not flag posts because i am just basic trust level

Then ignore this topic and move on.

@GimBot , Mark a solution to close this topic.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

they won’t the mods will remove it

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can I do anything here to help remove this??

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Flag it and move on

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Welcome back to the forums, @Code

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Is this Gimbot or a imposter?

Imposter/ban speedrunner

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gimbot not even an actual bot he just using discobot pfp

before anyone says hey that PFP reminds me of something

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rip I apologize for what ever this webstie if for someone got a hold of my email and used it on here

Hello Somoen stole my info and logged in whatever this site is for. Does anyone know how to delete this account.

why are you bringing a flagged post back? this is not the correct place.

-_- we know it’s you ban speedrunner and don’t make the cliche excuse of “SoMe OnE GoT oN mY AcCt AnD DiD DaT” and even if this were true I suggest you secure your computer better otherwise you might haste up your ban (which is probs sooner or later)

and if you want to delete your acc message the mods