Flag Waypoint Point thingy

Look at my keep-away guide.

Or this.

They want to track the player who gets the flag, not the actual flag.

Oh. One second please.

Isn’t this possible with my keep-away guide?

Yeah, I don’t know why it doesn’t work though.
(Not your guide, my proposed solution)

it may work, I will try tommorow.

it worked to a certain point,

I need to find out how to make it so only the oppposite team can see it

Use a relay wired to the waypoint?
(Connect the checker to the relay)

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ill try it thank you.

has anyone done this yet?

No, but I’m pretty sure it should work.

I meant a capture the falg game with the mechanic I am asking about

Does it work?

this works to show a team it but not accually show the player

You won’t be able to see a waypoint tracking you, you’ll need multiple tabs/accounts to do that.

i need help with does “Show Waypoint” mean it shows yourself or it shows someone you

Just like I said in my previous post, the waypoint type is Tracked Player, it won’t show to the tracked player that they’re being tracked, it’ll only show to everyone (or people on a certain team) if you are using relays.

Flag picked up, trigger relay with an audience of the other team. Then that triggers the waypoint?