Fishtopia help to make

I want a template of fishtopia that I can edit. Or I want to know how to make fishtopia if I can´t get a made template. I am trying to make fishopia but better so I need to know how to make fishopia.

There are guides on this. Here you go

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For OoGoO

[Off-Topic] want me to make u a custom PFP?

For @M13TheCreator

Sure I guess

Templates are not a thing right now. Please mark a solution once you find one.

For @M13TheCreator "]
Sure I guess

  • Skin:
  • Slogan:
  • Background color:
  • text color
    @OoGoO pls fill this out

Sketch Skin
Idk for slogan, just OoGoO
Blue background
Red TExt

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what I got so far until u ask me to add anything else

Thats Great thanks!

Again, @M13TheCreator i like ur pfp, but PLS. DONT. ADVERTISE. Ty!

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