Fishtopia Fishing System

Fishtopia Fishing System

This is my first post so please tell me if it’s not working.


11 buttons
1 checker
6 item granters
1 questioner
1 popup
2 wires

Step 1

First Create a pool and place a button. inside the button make it when the button is pressed to broadcast Fish. then Copy it and put buttons around it like this.


Make a checker Inside the checker Run check when receiving on Fish.
The check will pass if bait is greater than 0.

Then make an item granter that grants one bait like this.

and code on wire pulse in it like this

and make a questioner like this.

then make 5 more item granters that grant 1 gray fish receiving on Grayfish
or 1 green fish receiving on Greenfish ect.

after all that wire the checker to the bait item granter for when check passes —> wire pulse to activate the code.

and if you want you can make a out of bait popup for if check fails activate popup.

and it should look like this →

How hard was it?

  • :white_large_square: 1
  • :white_large_square: 2
  • :white_large_square: 3
  • :white_large_square: 4
  • :white_large_square: 5
  • :white_large_square: 6
  • :white_large_square: 7
  • :white_large_square: 8
  • :white_large_square: 9
  • :white_large_square: 10
0 voters

Good guide, I’ve see others but I like this one better!

1 Like

Thank you that means a lot


BUMP! I really like this guide. It’s really helpful!
{Idk why it only has 2 likes…}

it has been like 1 hour, I’d wait until atleast a day until bumping, alright?

1 Like

Gotcha! Just felt bad for the person who made it cuz they had only gotten 2 likes… By the way, congrats on Reg!