Fire terrain ideas please help

is there anyway I Can add like a volcanic/fire terrain to the floor, im making a fire place rn and I need “fire terrain” any ideas?

Using tiles that appear orange and such for decor.
When stepping on it, do the “poison fog” effect.

use the fire emoji, maybe some red barriers on like a dark gray terrain, etc

ooh yeah maybe I can use barriers and emojis

I know this is an ideas post but that helped me out a ton, I don’t need anymore ideas

thanks so much!

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ooo if you layer red and orange barriers it will give some cool colors

ohhhh yeahhh!

Yeh like you said just used some fire emojis

Maybe a few skulls here and there =)

They already solved the post in reply #3.

I was Adding to it ¨yeh like you said¨ And I added a twist SKULLS

:+1: good job

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