Finished producted

I got all of this done what you people had said. thanks for all the input. Tell me if there is anything else I need to add to this.

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Maybe a variety of color of trees?
Instead of just green, you could also add Dry, pink and purple.

I will do that thanks for the in put

What now. I don’t want to add any pink and purple trees becuase I think it will make it look odd.

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Maybe also put the marble near the water on a higher level?

Make it less semetrical. Good job, though.

Yes, agreed. I don’t know if you are making this as a lobby or starting point or something, or the type of game you are creating, but maybe you can make it more wide and spread out. It feels like the player is cramped in once space.


wow! Flip some of the trees around and tint them slightly.

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too many flowers unless this is SUPER scaled down

This is kind of like a park and it is suppose to be like farm chain. but second version.

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