Fast-Paced Game Idea Help

I Never Thought I Would Say This, But I Am Bored. I Need Game Ideas, Fast-Paced If Possible. I Know There Are A Few Guides Already Out There, But I Read Them All And Can’t Find Any Good Ideas. Can You Think Of Any?

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What about a game where sentries spawn over time, and you defeat them as fast as possible before too many spawn? You could buy upgrades, but they might take time to get. You might lose after a minute depending on how strategic you are.

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Ooooh, I could do that, it would be like a tycoon! You Start with a blaster against weak sentries for barely any money, but work your way into the harder sentries for more money to buy better weapon rarities, better weapons, speed, damage multiplier, health/shield, etc.!
(Though While I Am Brainstorming About It, Any Other Ideas?)

I could also make it so they can buy idle money!!

Oh, wait! You could buy sentries that work for you with that money, which can protect you. Maybe you can also make barriers. So it doesn’t last forever, cap it at one hour (the max anyway) and add some boss battle to show that it is the end somewhere around that time. You could use pop-up to show that it is starting, and maybe pop-ups as a tutorial.

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