[📋] EVERY Image in GKC 1.0

wdym? you have fandom, which has every gim, trail, sticker, prop, terrain, etc. Including unreleased stuff.

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its blocked for me :frowning_face:

its blocked
and no one has been adding from it

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well i know two of the mods of it and they are on here, not often but they are, so i’m sure they would be willing to do so. @RickStachely and @MuffinHunter0823 are the mods, and rick’s email is gimkitcentral@gmail.com. They would do it.


wait who took out the niblet image?


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i did because it had a background and it was the wrong size. I also asked GimSolver before i did.


use BG remover to remove the background.

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ok ill use that next time.



Don’t dox people without permission…


Don’t correct me on him, i knew him before i knew gimkit, before he became a mod on the fandom, and we still have contact. He also allows me to hand out his email for fandom purposes. And i would never dox anyone, im am ashamed and baffled that you think i would do that. Truly disheartening


I dont think that the shark gim is released yet other then that I love this guide it will help alot

it doesn’t really matter if its released
the main thing we’ve used the gims for is photoshop art

Oh okay so far i havent used andmy gim in photoshop art

Its not released yet, but it will soon, like summer time.

Oh okay i just though it looked sus becuase i didnt know it was real like jeff

what do you mean like jeff?

Yes jeff is not a real skin and will never be released so he is sus meaning i thought that the shark gim was sus

Oh i made jeff a skin and sent it to him, he liked it and said he can’t wait to flex on josh with it.

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