Event ideas for my game, maybe also thumbnail ideas

So, i’m making a don’t press the button game, and I need ideas for stages, the main island is getting crowded, so I would like events that teleport the players to another island.

well maybe a knocking out game?

I have the classic event where one player gets a slingshot for a few seconds

That is like a knocking out event


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That’s a good idea

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Does anyone have any other ideas?

any ideas for a thumbnail? I could create one for you

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I don’t have any thumbnail ideas, sadly

oh! idea: The thumbnail could be the island, kind of zoomed in on the button, with a bunch of chaos going on in the background

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That’s a good idea!

i could make one if thats ok

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I am making thumbnail idea currently

Please make one, I’m not amazing at art I will add you into the credits

will get to work soon, kind of busy rn

An event that teleports you to an island with lasers that randomly turn on and off.

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I kinda have that, but it’s a good idea, I will add that

I made it but its kinda sucky
@MirMirCreates could probably make it better
I don’t really know that much about don’t press the button
or this with white

A few things, first, MirMirCreates will be making one, two, the game is don’t press the button, why would a sign say to press it?

First ik
Second, it’s misleading the gim
yeesh I already acknowledged mirmir would make one, which would be better than my own