Essence of Block Code: An Introduction to Variables and Logic

I really don’t want to finish this. I might finish it if more people start just browsing some guides.

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but we know they won’t

Hey, is it okay with everyone if I finish this series?

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I’ll ask mysz on discord if that’s ok with them.

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What did they say?

I’ll make a backup for this wiki if someone hasn’t already.

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Done. It’s not that hard when you don’t have to look into the editing history to fix everything.

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You know that mysz isn’t going to respond… ?

Merry Christmas!


Pi is in a chat there, along with Blackhole.

Wdym the forums chat? Or just discord overall?

There is a chat that you are not in that has a bunch of forums people:

ClicClac is sometimes in it as well.

Mysz isn’t going to show up, you know that? Haven’t you noticed that he hasn’t talked in a while?

He said something in the chat earlier today. There’s over six thousand messages in the chat from him.

he talks there


Oh ok.

Wait, is it okay?

why did you reply a month later /nm

Because I want to work on it and I wanted to give them time to respond without me being rude.

I think so… I forget. Feel free to finish it! It isn’t going anywhere now.

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This needs to be updated, they (variables) can support text:

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