Escape Game Ideas

I would like ideas for puzzles, traps, events, etc. for my new game in development. Any ideas accepted will be creditied.

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u could try to do sum like an escape room theme and they could try to figure out how to escape.

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i would do sum with teles

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I’m already doing that. I need ideas for puzzles and traps.

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teleporters could be a good use

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Teleporters already in use.

trap: randomly get teleported as if the floor falled underneath you. then a monster chases you.

puzzle: color coded code. Example, they gotta match numbers and colors up. Or you can just do a code to a door with hints given around the place.

edit: gonna get off now to work on map/test


i bet items are already in use

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i have a wild mind and a smart mind but i couldnt think of nun like that sadly :<

another idea: boulder that’s animated.


how about sum with keys?

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(gasp) A FELLOW FURRY!!! player1 :smiley: also maybe you can use the hand puzzles i made the basic building block for one but its gonna get complicated from there

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Do the classic pop-up troll! >:3
Its simply two popups, and when one of them is closed, the other opends, leaving you infinetly stuck. You could also have rising poisonous smoke.

lemme get the screen shot of all the mechanic parts rq

I was gonna do the poisonous fog anyway. And yall don’t need to give me guides. Good ideas.

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