Enemy ideas? (COD ZOMBIES Game/map)

Ok so i’m thinking of some enemy ideas. I only managed to think of one, that carries as zapper. I need ideas and sentry difficulty, names etc

use sentrys and up their difficulty to higher, the harder you want them to be.

I have an idea! Do a “spitter” with max accuracy but very low firerate. Or you can do “gunner” with Low damage with low accuracy but very high firerate.

ok idk which gadets to use and what i should name any other zombies.

Thank you very much! This will be very fun to try!

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Maybe make a Rocket Launcher (quantum portal)
Okay I’m horrible at names :sweat_smile:


It’s ok i’lll be sure to add that as well!


Use the Zapper as amachine gun, the quantum portal as the Rocket launcher, Sling shot as the sniper, evil eya as the shot gun, and wooden wand an the standard rifle. You can choose the rarity.

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Sweet thanks for the help!

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Your welcome, let me know if i can help you on anything else.

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A moving sentry that can be treated as a zombie:

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Tank with Quantum Portal and has about 300 health and the rarity of the weapon should be epic.


Ok thanks i will need this.

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oh dang ok ok interesting. should i give it shields? Im lowering the difficulty on it though

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Yeah shields would be good.

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I’ve never played Call of Duty before, so I can’t help you this time. Sorry!

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Ok thanks i’ll give it shields but i think it’s accuracy should be a bit off


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