Ending A Game In These Ways

Yes, you got it

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Do I need TWO lifecycles?


And another trigger?


OK, I’m almost done, but if Team 2 is the one knocking out everyone, shouldn’t it be Team 2 as the “knocks out” trigger?

It’ll be a bit before I respond back. Thank you, though.

Yes. (My bad)

Your Welcome.

Make sure to mark a solution!

He did not try it yet chill

you can use the battle royale ending it is kinda hard I tried it and finally got it but map sucked so I just deleted it.

Here is the battle royale ending The Ritheked Version of Ending Battle Royales See Bottom Post For Team Adjustment

What do you mean? Because I don’t understand.

you can use a live player counter to end the game if everyone on team one is dead

You can do that, but doesn’t it require a certain number of players to be in the map to have it work, or no?


for the other one, entering a zone increment a counter and a property
then use some block code to check if that number is equal to the amount of players on team 1(live player counter)

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no the live player counter just tracks how much players are alive


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