End Of Game Widgit

how to make it where it shows the total kills of everyone on the end of game widgit

You will have to make it so that when player knocked out (or sentry, what ever you are doing) it increments a counter which updates a property :slight_smile: hope this helps!

Counter settings:

Change property settings to number

Wire knockout manager to counter (increment)

This is what the final result is when you make the widget a property

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Try this guide

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If that answered your question, mark as solution :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I think @max1’s idea would work for one player, eventually, but @TryEverything’s works.

It doessss i just tried it :slight_smile: It will work with either sentry’s or players, and it has NO block code, just properties. And block code is super heavy on memory. This is also easier to follow in my opinion

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It also is not what they are asking for.


Yes, @TryEverything. It definitely sounds easier. I’ve used that before.

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Yeah, it’s the ratio for kills/deaths, and not just updated properties.

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Yes, but they were asking for ALL players, not just one player and their ratio…

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Yes, I know; I’m agreeing with you.

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I was just basing that off this response….

Wait at least 3 hours to mark a solution to pick one.


Alright, let’s wait. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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I will try yours thanks for the help

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marked solution thanks for the help

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