Elimination announcer

I have searched how to make it when you kill someone it announces it, it works half of the time but other times it didn’t. Can someone help me solve this?

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Could you show the setup for the thing?

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What thing? Any device i have to show or what

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Like the thing you made to announce the kills, because you said it works half the time so I could try fixing it

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could you send a screenshot of what you setup for the elimination announcer is?


I’m not using any device it just pops up randomly sometimes

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Like “player” blasted “player”

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Wait I am confused, is it like a setting in map options?

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I dont even know. Lemme go find a sighting of it happening

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this is the closest thing I found to it

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I’ll test it out! Thank Mr tomato

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Well i know how to make a basic one (non-settings)
get a ko manager then a notification device wire it so when someone is K.O.ed it says someone got got


You are welcome and if it works, mark a solution

You might have to be in fullscreen for it to work properly.


Is that setting for when you kill someone, it shows it in the bottom left side?


the screenshot you sowed was the setting i believe

full screen is the only way to get it to pop up with the setting being set to on
if you set it no then they will pop up

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Alr i think the reason it’s not working is because i was doing it in gkc and it doesn’t show for the host. Only it works for the host if you use a showcase link or get it published. So that’s how you get it to announce an elimination. Sorry guys, (btw it doesn’t matter if its full screen or now)

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Oh ok, thanks for letting me know