Editing thumbnail (DO NOT REPLY)

I want to edit my thumbnail so that it looks more attractive but I can’t find an option to change it.

I don’t think you can update your thumbnail once you publish, sorry.

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oh thanks for the info

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Be sure to mark a solution!

Mark a solution please.

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Don’t get more off-topic. Now please mark a solution to close this post.
I also flagged your other post for spam.


mine or his???

Both. Yours for off-topic and the other guy for spam.

Also welcome to forums @shrek_loves_me! Remember to read the community guidelines, beginner-must-read, new-user-must-read, and forum-tips! And the FAQ!

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No thats not how this works. You just stop repling. That just creates problems.


That’s not how it works…

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The general way this works is that we usually edit the title and move it to devices, as well as adding additional tags. We do not flag posts just because they are resolved.

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Since this has been flagged, please stop replying.
This should be the last post, any after has a good chance of being flagged!

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STOP, everyone stop replying as this has been flagged multiple times. Especially when you post something irrelevant
No more memes. No more posts (for this topic).
I said no more memes! @Shiggiebiggie, this’ll be my 3rd ever flag but you’re really not listening, I will flag you!

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Stop replying! If you wanna know, ask it on another topic and get that flagged. JUST PLEASE STOP POSTING HERE!
Flags can get you banned or suspended.

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This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 16 days.

This is open again, but the problem is solved.

Don’t reply.