Edge of map has wall

The map is still the same size- the blocker is there just to stop people from being able to wander off the map and get their character lost.

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i agree

Thats what I though and the wall, blocker, that is called the world border.

I wouldn’t say it’s the world border… the player is able to exist beyond it.

They can? I thought there was no possible way to do that.

Gimhook is a very useful modding client. While ClickTP is broken right now, it still should be possible to teleport the player past the boundries.

Also, as of a few days ago, you could actually go past it, because it didn’t exist. Now it’s back though :frowning:

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Must be a weird bug that is happening due to the update.

the edge of the map is roughly 315 - 325m length and height away from the center of the map.

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That is very useful information, you might want to make a guide on that.

Where can I download betterZoom? I have gimhook. instead of a discord invite, could you just send a link or a directory or something?