Easiest voting system V2

No, it’s because you are a new user.

Try copy and paste.

Nice job! When you get a higher trust level, I suggest you add more screenshots.


How does this work? There are no “real” colors of skins in Gimkit and you can’t detect players with a specific color on their skin

True, or they made a player known as a number, like 1 and when 1 gets in a zone, something will activate. Just an Idea.

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That’s literally what player ids are, giving players a number.

Wait… so player IDs are just an edge case of NPT?

No. They’re used for the system to be able to loop through the server. You see, player IDs lets the computer know which player is next.

So how do you give each player an ID?

Using a player counter. You set the id to the number of players when in the player scope, they increase the global num players property by 1. Lets move to the player ID guide.

I know it’s just a way to tell Peaple the name and color of the player3

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@discobot start {new user tutorial}

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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@Eliothehacker1 please do this in your preferences tab.

I need help I cannot edit my post

Please do not do that, as it adds lots more random replies and clutter.

@Bruh2 you cannot edit your post anymore as the editing time limit for @trust_level_0 is 1 day. As you earn more trust levels, you get a higher editing limit.

Wow, a 1-day editing limit? I didn’t know that. Well then, @Bruh2, I suggest you create a draft next time, so you don’t have to start over again.

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bumpity bump bump

This was a long time ago :skull::skull::skull: also I can’t edit it anymore one more thing I learned that every time you want another person you need a new button meaning new colors bigger problem I found in the design I already made was that you have to change the voting system and everything just to add a person